Throwing a Tantrum

Living Democracy » Parents » TODDLERS (1 – 3 years) » Throwing a Tantrum


You are grocery shopping with your 2-year old daughter Celina who discovers a lot of interesting things like chocolate, plastic bowls and magazines. She wants you to put these items into the cart and buy them. But you don’t need these products and tell her to leave them alone. Celina then wants you to buy three boxes of her favorite cookies. You are telling her: “No Celina, we have some of those cookies at home already. Please put them back on the shelf!” But Celina doesn’t obey and insists that you buy her these cookies. She begins to throw a tantrum, and it doesn’t seem that she will calm down anytime soon.

What would your reaction be like? You can choose one of the following 4 options. Please click on the buttons to see how the situation could develop. You will also find explanations as to why it would be advisable not to react in a certain way.

To obtain general hints and advice about how to cope with your child’s tantrums, please click here for more information!

„Talking with kids while they are throwing a tantrum” is based on the following references:

1 Heueck-Mauss, Doris. 2016. So rede ich richtig mit meinem Kind: Wie Worte wirken: Konflikte fair lösen: Stressfreier erziehen. Hannover: Humboldt, 32.

2 Heueck-Mauss, Doris. 2016. So rede ich richtig mit meinem Kind: Wie Worte wirken: Konflikte fair lösen: Stressfreier erziehen. Hannover: Humboldt, 44.

3 Gordon, Thomas. 2012. Familienkonferenz. Die Lösung von Konflikten zwischen Eltern und Kind. 3. Aufl. München: Heyne, 143 ff

Gordon, Thomas. 2012. Familienkonferenz. Die Lösung von Konflikten zwischen Eltern und Kind. 3. Aufl. München: Heyne.

Heueck-Mauss, Doris. 2016. Das Trotzkopfalter. Erziehungs-ABC mit Tipps und Strategien. Richtiger Umgang mit kindlichen Emotionen. 8. Aufl. Hannover: Humboldt, 37 ff.