Reflect on decision-making, communication and power

Living Democracy » Principals » PARTICIPATION » Preparation » Reflect on decision-making, communication and power

Note: For advice how to use this questionnaire go to “preparation: important fields of action

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When making decisions at my school…
…the principal involves all people affected by the decision (teachers, parents, students)
…disadvantaged and marginalized people are encouraged and supported to get involved.
…the staff actively listen to and try to understand each other.
…the staff try to convince each other through logical and comprehensible argumentation.
…the staff openly ask and answer questions.
…the staff disclose and reflect individual attitudes, presuppositions and feelings honestly.
…the different viewpoints of the stakeholders involved are taken into account.
…we attempt to achieve a common ground and consensus.
When the principal assigns tasks to people, their preferences and competences are taken into account.
At my school…
…collecting feedback is a common practice.
…there are written regulations to binding principles of democratic structures and processes.
… time is allocated for deliberating and making common decisions.
…the principal is in constant dialogue with the staff.
…all affected (groups of) people are involved in decision-making.
…people regularly have the opportunity to vote (raise hands, tick options etc.)
…there are elected representatives who act in the interest of (groups of) people.
…the principal clearly communicates the scope and limits of current laws and regulations set forth by public authorities.
The principal supports democratic decisions even if they do not reflect his/her personal preferences.
The principal accepts constructive criticism.
The principal shares responsibility with others.
At my school, we all feel equally accountable for both success and mistakes.