Reflect on your role as a school principal: developing a (more) democratic culture in school

Living Democracy » Principals » LEADERSHIP » A democratic style of school leadership » Reflect on your role as a school principal: developing a (more) democratic culture in school

Democratic school leadership is a challenge, and a school needs time to achieve that goal. You need to proceed with small steps, rather than a big one. This tool supports you in assessing your role as a school principal. Identify which objectives apply to you. The short-term objectives describe smaller steps that you can take immediately.

Short-term objectives Medium-term objectives Long-term objectives
The school principal refrains from extremely authoritarian expressions. The school principal interacts with the school community in an open and friendly manner (principle of reversibility). Mutual understanding between the school principal, the staff and other stakeholders.
The school principal provides reasons for his/her focus on specific issues. The school principal presents issues and problems that need to be addressed to the staff. The staff, students’ and parents’ representatives are involved in setting the agenda for decision-making.
The school principal explains his or her legal responsibilities and limitations. The school principal listens to and considers the teachers’ suggestions on how to organize the school. The school principal, teachers and students plan and implement projects for school development.
The school principal explains to the teachers the objectives he or she has in mind. The school principal discusses alternative options in decision-making with the teachers. The staff, students’ and parents’ representatives are involved in decision-making.
The school principal explains his or her concerns when assessing teachers’ performance and behavior. The school principal delegates selected tasks to individual teachers. The staff, students, and parents take responsibility for the development and performance of the school.
The school principal explains his or her methods of conflict resolution. The school principal avoids making authoritative use of power to resolve conflicts. Conflict resolution through co-operation and communication.

This tool is based on How to develop a democratic atmosphere in the classroom